Though only one picture is online right now, The Tyler Whetstone Photo Project is now up and running to display pictures from my life at college. The first picture is the dorm room stuff I'm ready to take...
Welcome to my blog, your home for random musings infrequently updated.
About Me
Name: Tyler Steven
Whetstone Location: Jackson,
Tennessee, United
States of America
I'm now going into my third year at Union University, where I'm majoring in journalism and history.
Blogging Here Since: July 2004 Favorite Books: To Kill a Mockingbird, the Space Trilogy, anything else by C.S. Lewis, Terry Pratchett's novels of Discworld, The Face, Life Expectancy, The Lord of
the Rings, Wuthering Heights, Les Miserables, The Brothers Karamazov Favorite Movies: Finding Forrester, Finding Neverland, The Phantom of the Opera, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Shrek, Spider-man (1 & 2), Miss Congeniality,
October Sky, Moulin Rouge, love actually, Return to Me, Gladiator, Waking Ned Devine Favorite Music: Christian rock (Five Iron Frenzy, Newsboys, Switchfoot, Andrew Peterson), Pop rock (Maroon 5, Train, Evanescense, Jason Mraz) Favorite TV Shows: The X-Files, Family Guy, Futurama, Friends, Desperate Housewives, The Amazing Race, History Channel specials Heroes: C.S. Lewis Hobbies: Reading, Movies, Writing, Screenwriting, Hanging out with friends, family, and my dog Interests: Novels, journalism, English History, Russian History, general world history, U.S. government, short-term mission trips,
international travel, languages, pizza, et al. Expertise: Commas Gender: Male Hometown: Oklahoma City
Occupation: A&E Editor Industry: Student Journalism Est. October, A.D. 1985
Welcome to Jackson!
I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time at Union. Study hard, and good luck!
Meredith Matheney
Myself, at 9:36 PM
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