
Playing Catch-Up, Once More, With Feeling

Arrrgh. Apparently, I'm really bad at keeping this updated, and I'll apologize again. I'd like to promise that I'll get this updated more often, but history would seem to contradict me. I'll just say I'll try.

Okay, highlights of the last few weeks:

I'm now employed, working at the cafeteria here. I'm mostly back in the dishroom, though I've also worked a few of the catered events they've had in the dining room. I worked 22 hours last week. On the other hand, fall break starts on Thursday, and the cafeteria's going to be closed, so there's no work this week. (The Lexington Inn will be open, so I can survive on my meal plan while the campus empties out this weekend.)

I got an A (tied for top of the class and only one point short of a perfect score) on my first history test. I also had a second test, and got a perfect score. I'm surviving math, as well (I'd like to be doing better, but it is good enough that I'm not kicking myself, and I'm still working to pull it up). The second round of speeches went really well, too, and we'll be getting to round three soon.

Last weekend, I went to Nashville for the Baptist Press Student Conference, which was a lot of fun. We had seminars on writing and editing, as well as addresses from some prominent journalists and photojournalists (there was even a judge from the Pulitzer Committee in attendance). There was also an awards banquet, at which last year's Cardinal & Cream won 25 honors.

I've been to several different churches, which all had their good points... I'm still looking forward to visiting some of the others in the area, as well.

I've been on the front page of the paper! My article in the second issue turned out really well, and I ended up with three in the third issue. Not only did I get on the front page, I wrote an article that went over really well on Life & Style, since I was able to get some expert quotes from a family connection. I also got to review a CD that won't come out until Oct. 26, which I think is just really cool.

Union Gives Students a Reason to Stay Here
Baucham Returns for Second Year as 'Faith in Practice' Leader
Students Battle Insomnia: Student schedules, habits may cause sleep disorders
Day of Fire Releases First Album on Essential

I'm also going to have three articles in the next issue. :-)

Well, that should do it for general catch-up. Maybe I'll be able to get something else dashed off for this blog before another three weeks or so goes by and I can get a little more detailed, rather than broad "what I've been doing" summaries. Here's hoping, anyway.


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