It's a Holiday. I Had to Do It.
Okay, I know it’s intolerably cheesy, but I just had to do it. I present to you Tyler Whetstone’s 2004 list of…
- My Actual Family: This is my first blog post from Oklahoma, and my first trip back, since coming to Union in August. I’m so happy to see all my family again! I’ve talked to Dad on the phone, but since he wasn’t able to come for Family Weekend, I hadn’t seen him since I moved in. It's great to be able to spend time with everybody!
- Adopted Family: I know it sounds cliché, but already there are people at Union who are like a second family. In fact, Gipsy, Brenda and Alaina are having another Thanksgiving dinner after everyone gets back, provided they don’t have to work. There are RAs, fellow writers and Coburn co-workers who all fit this category… Jackson is already starting to feel like another “home.”
- My Dog: Awww, Peter’s missed me, but I think he’s mad because I’m not letting him sleep on the bed. He’s been good for me, though, and he’s gone on walks like usual, and he’s just been happy.
- Friends Who Let You Borrow Good Books: I don’t know how I’d have been able to stand the bus ride on Tuesday if David hadn’t let me take “Guards! Guards!” by Terry Pratchett with me.
- Random Huggers: People like Gipsy, Brenda, Landon Preston, Derrick Lambert, Matthew Diggs, etc., who just supply hugs upon seeing you on campus. Alvin Jeffery apparently had found some statistic that hugs are actually good for health, but then he was just quoting that around cute girls…
- Faculty Advisors: I love having Dr. Chute as a faculty advisor, if only because he can crack me up at Production Night… and he opens his door early for freshman enrollment at the semester. I’m also grateful for Dr. Bush, too, for helping me with quandaries about staying in the Interdisciplinary Honors program, and Ms. Alexander for talking me into a second major in History…
- A College That Forces Me To Think: Even outside of class, I’ve had to think quite a bit on the philosophical/theological side of things just to keep up with outside-of-class discussion. For instance, I’ve now researched the sides of the school’s chief rivalry, Calvinism v. Armenianism, and know where I stand there (at neither one extreme nor the other, finding a sort of balance, rather along the same lines as David’s very well-thought viewpoint, where Dr. Hal Poe puts himself by saying “No theological system can fit God, so I’m just a Biblicist”).
- Cell Phones: Apparently, I don’t use mine as often as I should, but I love being able to get in touch with Mom and Dad whenever I need them…
- The Cardinal & Cream: One subset of the “adopted family” includes lots of people from the paper staff, plus I’m grateful for all the story assignments. If Jesse includes the Study Abroad piece I wrote for the last issue, the next issue will then put me up to a dozen bylines…
- The “Freshman Posse”: A group of freshmen at Union who have a few different members (you’re never sure who all will be included), all of whom are a LOT of fun to be around. It even includes a member of the SGA Freshman Council… (she’s not my official representative, but when she sends notes to the people in her “district,” I get them too, so I have something like two representatives, both of whom are friends of mine.)
- Completely Useless Things to Watch: Last weekend, I was in the MacAfee Commons watching Bryan Emerson’s DVD of “The Tick: The Complete Live Action Series.” You’ve got to love a show that provides you with quotes like “Ah, poetic justice… is there any other kind?... Well, there’s puppet-show justice” and “Gravity is a harsh mistress.” Plus, there's always Homestar Runner...
- My High School Friends: Alexandra called me on my birthday. I’m talking to SarahMcM even as I post this. Yay for ISLAS.
- “Dual Citizenship”: You live in Ellis 8, you live in Ellis 6, too. It’s nice that way.
- Movies in the commons, with good company.
- Friends who are willing to read and appreciate your writing assignments.
- People like Matt Boto, who are willing to take up the cause of defending the English language from Internet shorthand.
- Gipsy’s Section Editor Dance, which I’ve taken to using…
- The fact that I’ve seen Josh McCoy dance, which at the same time impresses me a little bit and also makes me feel a little less awkward about doing the Section Editor Dance…
- Roommates who like to keep the apartment cooler than most people (it’s usually between 68 degrees, the suggested minimum to keep the A/C from overworking, and 70).
- The fact that I had Josh Mac as an RA before he got ready to get married in the winter and move down to family housing… he was a great guy to handle our freshman move-in.
- The fact that at least half our room passed room-checks before I left…
- The opportunity to make some extra money with two on-campus jobs, since I have that trip to Thailand coming up.
- Inside jokes.
- Satirical novels.
- Sarcastic professors.
- Borrowed DVDs.
- The fact that I can beat Daniel Holsinger and Kyle Kurlick at ping-pong.
- My own bed at home.
- My own bed in Ellis.
- Freshmen-led worship services.
- Spontaneous trips to IHOP or the like.
- Cheap CDs at the Lifeway store on campus.
- Free meals when I work at Coburn (not the greatest quality, but it’s free, and sometimes it’s the really good stuff from catered events).
- Knowing only the most absolutely random words in Russian and ASL.
- Thanksgiving dinners.
- The Christmas season!!
Okay, I think that about covers it.
- My Actual Family: This is my first blog post from Oklahoma, and my first trip back, since coming to Union in August. I’m so happy to see all my family again! I’ve talked to Dad on the phone, but since he wasn’t able to come for Family Weekend, I hadn’t seen him since I moved in. It's great to be able to spend time with everybody!
- Adopted Family: I know it sounds cliché, but already there are people at Union who are like a second family. In fact, Gipsy, Brenda and Alaina are having another Thanksgiving dinner after everyone gets back, provided they don’t have to work. There are RAs, fellow writers and Coburn co-workers who all fit this category… Jackson is already starting to feel like another “home.”
- My Dog: Awww, Peter’s missed me, but I think he’s mad because I’m not letting him sleep on the bed. He’s been good for me, though, and he’s gone on walks like usual, and he’s just been happy.
- Friends Who Let You Borrow Good Books: I don’t know how I’d have been able to stand the bus ride on Tuesday if David hadn’t let me take “Guards! Guards!” by Terry Pratchett with me.
- Random Huggers: People like Gipsy, Brenda, Landon Preston, Derrick Lambert, Matthew Diggs, etc., who just supply hugs upon seeing you on campus. Alvin Jeffery apparently had found some statistic that hugs are actually good for health, but then he was just quoting that around cute girls…
- Faculty Advisors: I love having Dr. Chute as a faculty advisor, if only because he can crack me up at Production Night… and he opens his door early for freshman enrollment at the semester. I’m also grateful for Dr. Bush, too, for helping me with quandaries about staying in the Interdisciplinary Honors program, and Ms. Alexander for talking me into a second major in History…
- A College That Forces Me To Think: Even outside of class, I’ve had to think quite a bit on the philosophical/theological side of things just to keep up with outside-of-class discussion. For instance, I’ve now researched the sides of the school’s chief rivalry, Calvinism v. Armenianism, and know where I stand there (at neither one extreme nor the other, finding a sort of balance, rather along the same lines as David’s very well-thought viewpoint, where Dr. Hal Poe puts himself by saying “No theological system can fit God, so I’m just a Biblicist”).
- Cell Phones: Apparently, I don’t use mine as often as I should, but I love being able to get in touch with Mom and Dad whenever I need them…
- The Cardinal & Cream: One subset of the “adopted family” includes lots of people from the paper staff, plus I’m grateful for all the story assignments. If Jesse includes the Study Abroad piece I wrote for the last issue, the next issue will then put me up to a dozen bylines…
- The “Freshman Posse”: A group of freshmen at Union who have a few different members (you’re never sure who all will be included), all of whom are a LOT of fun to be around. It even includes a member of the SGA Freshman Council… (she’s not my official representative, but when she sends notes to the people in her “district,” I get them too, so I have something like two representatives, both of whom are friends of mine.)
- Completely Useless Things to Watch: Last weekend, I was in the MacAfee Commons watching Bryan Emerson’s DVD of “The Tick: The Complete Live Action Series.” You’ve got to love a show that provides you with quotes like “Ah, poetic justice… is there any other kind?... Well, there’s puppet-show justice” and “Gravity is a harsh mistress.” Plus, there's always Homestar Runner...
- My High School Friends: Alexandra called me on my birthday. I’m talking to SarahMcM even as I post this. Yay for ISLAS.
- “Dual Citizenship”: You live in Ellis 8, you live in Ellis 6, too. It’s nice that way.
- Movies in the commons, with good company.
- Friends who are willing to read and appreciate your writing assignments.
- People like Matt Boto, who are willing to take up the cause of defending the English language from Internet shorthand.
- Gipsy’s Section Editor Dance, which I’ve taken to using…
- The fact that I’ve seen Josh McCoy dance, which at the same time impresses me a little bit and also makes me feel a little less awkward about doing the Section Editor Dance…
- Roommates who like to keep the apartment cooler than most people (it’s usually between 68 degrees, the suggested minimum to keep the A/C from overworking, and 70).
- The fact that I had Josh Mac as an RA before he got ready to get married in the winter and move down to family housing… he was a great guy to handle our freshman move-in.
- The fact that at least half our room passed room-checks before I left…
- The opportunity to make some extra money with two on-campus jobs, since I have that trip to Thailand coming up.
- Inside jokes.
- Satirical novels.
- Sarcastic professors.
- Borrowed DVDs.
- The fact that I can beat Daniel Holsinger and Kyle Kurlick at ping-pong.
- My own bed at home.
- My own bed in Ellis.
- Freshmen-led worship services.
- Spontaneous trips to IHOP or the like.
- Cheap CDs at the Lifeway store on campus.
- Free meals when I work at Coburn (not the greatest quality, but it’s free, and sometimes it’s the really good stuff from catered events).
- Knowing only the most absolutely random words in Russian and ASL.
- Thanksgiving dinners.
- The Christmas season!!
Okay, I think that about covers it.
I *LOVE* the live-action Tick series. I mean, the cartoon was great, too, but I just loved Patrick Wilburton, and I really wish that Fox hadn't torpedoed the series, like, as soon as it aired. Dumb Fox, killing that and Firefly.
But anyway, I'm thankful that the Tick eps are available on DVD! And the Fireflys, too. And we get a Firefly movie! Yayy.
Mel, at 4:31 PM
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