Something Odd...
So Nathan "Squirrel" Brewer once informed me that I looked like a cross between Luke Wilson and Fyvush Finkel. And I wasn't sure how to take it.
Well, now, thanks to MyHeritage.Com, you can now scan in your photo and have it scientifically matched with photos from a 4,000-celebrity database to see who you REALLY look like. And I'm proud to say that Luke Wilson came up a few times, while Fyvush Finkel never did.
That said, though, I'm still not sure how to take some of the results I got. I scanned in a few pictures, and repeaters included Mr. Wilson, the guy who played the brother in "Bring It On," a former underwear model and "New Kid on the Block," a British boy band member, and a comedian who "Loves the '90s on VH1." Plus, at one point or another, I got both the "Brokeback Mountain" guys. (There's also one woman in there, but I think that says more about her than me.)
What's really scary, though, is the single most frequently occuring face, and so I present to you the "Collage" readouts of my results...
It's a different result photo, but it's still Mr. Van Der Beek (did you know there's a "Dawson Creek" in Canada?).
A few random results...
This week was a bad one for Prime Ministers... including the fact that I got a comatose one.
This one is scary...
And possibly the scariest result...
Well, now, thanks to MyHeritage.Com, you can now scan in your photo and have it scientifically matched with photos from a 4,000-celebrity database to see who you REALLY look like. And I'm proud to say that Luke Wilson came up a few times, while Fyvush Finkel never did.
That said, though, I'm still not sure how to take some of the results I got. I scanned in a few pictures, and repeaters included Mr. Wilson, the guy who played the brother in "Bring It On," a former underwear model and "New Kid on the Block," a British boy band member, and a comedian who "Loves the '90s on VH1." Plus, at one point or another, I got both the "Brokeback Mountain" guys. (There's also one woman in there, but I think that says more about her than me.)
What's really scary, though, is the single most frequently occuring face, and so I present to you the "Collage" readouts of my results...
It's a different result photo, but it's still Mr. Van Der Beek (did you know there's a "Dawson Creek" in Canada?).
A few random results...
This week was a bad one for Prime Ministers... including the fact that I got a comatose one.
This one is scary...
And possibly the scariest result...