Walking Contradictions
Currently Watching Lost - The Complete First Season Episodes 1.01: Pilot - 1.24: Exodus, Part III see related | Currently Watching Lost - The Complete Second Season Episodes 2.01: Man of Science, Man of Faith - 2.23: Live Together, Die Alone see related |
So there are a few people that are really hard to figure out. Facebook now has its new News Feed, which shows you new pictures people have uploaded, groups they have started, or notes they have posted--many of the "notes" are simply imported from Xangas, as mine are imported from this blog.
And every now and then, one pops up that throws you for a loop about how much life sucks, a real "**** the world" attitude that makes you wonder why the person bothers returning to school.
And yet you see said person in the hall, wearing a big smile and laughing.
Somehow, though, this doesn't come off as hypocritical, neither under the smile or under the Xanga attitude. The person is too deep and uncensored in conversation, and too genuinely well-written on his Xanga for either to be wholly assumed.
It's frustrating, it's disorienting, and it leaves even the casual reader in something of a funk. How do you respond to seeing someone genuinely happy and laughing knowing that he's somehow also miserable and ready to blow this pop stand at the first chance he gets? It's enough to give a man a headache, and upon seeing someone like that in the cafeteria, you're not sure whether to give him a consoling hug or a casual handshake or a corny joke or what because you have NO IDEA what his mind might be on.
And, honestly, I guess that's okay... I'd rather be confused out of my mind than be put off by an act.
Here's to the walking contradictions.