
Something Odd...

So Nathan "Squirrel" Brewer once informed me that I looked like a cross between Luke Wilson and Fyvush Finkel. And I wasn't sure how to take it.

Well, now, thanks to MyHeritage.Com, you can now scan in your photo and have it scientifically matched with photos from a 4,000-celebrity database to see who you REALLY look like. And I'm proud to say that Luke Wilson came up a few times, while Fyvush Finkel never did.

That said, though, I'm still not sure how to take some of the results I got. I scanned in a few pictures, and repeaters included Mr. Wilson, the guy who played the brother in "Bring It On," a former underwear model and "New Kid on the Block," a British boy band member, and a comedian who "Loves the '90s on VH1." Plus, at one point or another, I got both the "Brokeback Mountain" guys. (There's also one woman in there, but I think that says more about her than me.)

What's really scary, though, is the single most frequently occuring face, and so I present to you the "Collage" readouts of my results...


It's a different result photo, but it's still Mr. Van Der Beek (did you know there's a "Dawson Creek" in Canada?).

A few random results...

This week was a bad one for Prime Ministers... including the fact that I got a comatose one.

This one is scary...

And possibly the scariest result...